Treatment of your house and yard is as important as treatment of your pets. The entire house, the yard and all pets must be treated simultaneously in order to control a flea problem.
Diligent flea control is the only sure way to keep a flea problem minimized. You will only kill newly hatched and adult fleas but the eggs will remain viable and hatch a new crop of hungry fleas. Bathing your pet in a flea shampoo will only kill the fleas that are on the animal at the time of the bath.
Shampoos will not prevent new fleas from climbing aboard your pet once he dries. You will need to use a flea-repellent to prevent him from becoming re-infested and all pets in the household must be treated simultaneously.
Always use high quality flea products or treatments. There are many newer flea repellent products on the market. It is highly effective, only needs to be applied once a month and has been proven to be safer for your pet than many of the older sprays and powders.
Flea collars alone are not effective. Some collars may help to keep fleas off the head and neck areas, but the fleas then usually stay in the tail and underbelly regions. Make sure to vacuum baseboards, under furniture, under cushions, and anywhere your pets sleep or spend time. Change vacuum bags or empty canisters frequently. If your pet rides in your car, make sure to vacuum your car, as well.
Also wash any blankets or towels your pet might touch. Launder your bed sheets, as well. Any eggs that are left behind can hatch and re-infest your home. Fleas love to hide in tall or overgrown grass. Make sure your lawn is mowed and your shrubs are trimmed back. Bring in pet food and water bowls at night.
These often attract wildlife and other feral animals that can bring fleas onto your property. Keep trees and high shrubs trimmed back away from your roof or attic to keep wild animals from getting into the space. Seal off openings to garages, sheds, crawlspaces, decks, or anywhere else stray or wild animals can access, as well.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health , people and pets in that area may also clash with the lone star tick, and the winter tick. Matusicky advises dog parents to focus on prevention, as that is much easier than treating a flea or tick infestation that creates a household nuisance. Your dog will also be much happier to be spared the hair loss, itching, skin infections and other maladies. Stay tuned for more tips on how to keep your dog and household safe from fleas and ticks!
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Stay informed! Get tips and exclusive deals. Oct Sep Sep 2. Aug Aug 6. Check regularly for these pests, and watch your pet for excessive scratching. If there are black specks on the comb, it could be flea dirt — the fecal matter from fleas. If specks drop onto the towel, it might be flea dirt. To look for ticks, check your pet for areas of the skin that are red or irritated.
Use a flashlight if necessary to check inside the ears. To kill fleas, use a flea shampoo and spot treatment like Advantage II. It might take time to remove all of the fleas from your house.