Search the web. Discuss these M14 abbreviations with the community: 0 Comments. Notify me of new comments via email. Cancel Report. Create a new account. Log In. Know the definition for M14? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Model, I think. USSoldier11B 0. Mk 23 Stoner A Vietnam era light machine gun. Different versions will have a "mod" number after the "Mk" Like my combat knife: Mk3 Mod 0. John C Flett 0. RedStar 0. The primary complaints were fragile receivers, malformed bolts, poor accuracy and instability during automatic fire.
All of those problems but the last were fixed by better quality control, and the stability issue was addressed by limiting 90 percent of the rifles to semi-automatic mode. An American Army combat platoon leader, 2nd Lt. John Libs, surveys the situation with his men from the relative safety of a watery rice paddy as they prepare to advance on a Viet Cong sniper position, Vietnam, in the mids.
Also like the M1, the M14 stored a cleaning kit in the butt-trap. The rifle had a front blade sight and peep sight, the latter adjustable for windage and range in meter increments out to 1, meters. The M14 could be used with an M2 bayonet and M76 rifle grenade launcher attachment. An M2 bipod could be installed on the ones with the automatic-fire mode. This is for fighting; this is for fun. A south Manchester postcode which includes Moss side , Fallowfield and Rusholme. These are the Roughest Areas in South.