Joined: Nov 21, Posts: 2, Joined: Sep 14, Posts: 1, Joined: Jun 24, Posts: 1. When the overall income is equivalent to that of the NBA, the wage disparity goes away.
Average player salary 35,, you ladies are currently drawing an average of 75, That's far above what the NBA was earning at the same time frame in league development, your earning that at a lower overall income point league wide. Your argument does not hold water.
You are comparing leagues at vastly different levels of development, further you are expecting owners to reward you with money they don't have. Joined: Oct 6, Do you mean backwards strides?
The wonder is not why it hasn't turned a profit, but why the WNBA still exists given its low level of athleticism. You're more likely to see a slam dunk in a middle-school boys game than an NBA game. With male pro sports continuing to make huge profits, how can you say they're taking a hit? It looks like your response is based on political correctness rather than reality.
Reply Quote 0. I enjoy the WNBA. Can't wait to see the game tonight with BG. If you are saying the league is only losing 10,, per year, then that is fixable over the long haul. The league is generating enough income to cover 86 percent of the expenses. Looks like a viable enterprise that with a few promotional tweaks and sponsors can move forward. Glass is way more than half full.
Thanks for giving us positive news! Skip to Last Page 1. Post Reply Back to topics. This post has been flagged.
Click to display linked image. Featured Stories. Story Poster. Transfer cornerback with ties to the staff plans to visit Baylor this weekend by Grayson Grundhoefer. Story Poster story photo 8h ago. A Statistical Preview of the No. Post of the Day See All. The WNBA is failing because it's boring. Let's not beat around the bush today. Women's basketball is basketball in its purest form—the way the game is supposed to be played.
Okay—so why doesn't anyone like it? Don't get me wrong. I like women's basketball just fine and all, but ask me to watch it outside of the NCAA tournament This young lady might not be the answer, but at least she's a strong start.
Okay, you have your "face" of the league. Now you need a rival player, team, or something that sparks controversy. We need some trash-talking, a little in your face action to get the media's attention. I'm not saying we need another Pistons-Pacers brawl, but a little bravado never hurt anyone. Believe or not, as much as the NBA and NFL discourage trash-talking and animosity among its players, that's a lot of what drives up ratings.