He credits Mayer with beginning a dialogue about food as an energy source. Despite the confusion over who invented the unit, Hargrove notes that the Calorie as a nutritional unit came to the U. Shortly afterward, the science of nutrition began to take hold in the U. A popular early nutrition text published in by Lulu Hunt Peters outlined the first methods of counting Calories. In her bestseller, Diet and Health, with the Key to the Calories, Peters outlined Calorie portions of many foodstuffs and preached counting Calories as a way to regulate weight.
As the Calorie became popular in nutrition, it became more practical to measure the amount of kilograms. Materials provided by University of Georgia.
Unless care is exercised in selecting food, a diet may result which is one-sided or badly balanced that is, one in which either protein or fuel ingredients carbohydrate and fat are provided in excess…. The evils of overeating may not be felt at once, but sooner or later they are sure to appear perhaps in an excessive amount of fatty tissue, perhaps in general debility, perhaps in actual disease.
While Atkinson and Atwater were advocating for dietary restrictions based on calorie contents, it took some time before the idea of calorie counting became a mainstay in American diets.
In , American physician, author and philanthropist, Lulu Hunt Peters changed the face of dieting for the next century. Seeking to write a diet book targeted towards American women, Peters latched onto the idea that calorie counting was an effective means of enacting healthy weight loss. With this idea in mind, Peters got to work.
Proving popular with her audience, namely middle-aged American women, Peters was encouraged to collect her writings into one neat volume, something she did in Fortunately for Peters, one book was all she needed. Interestingly for athletes and bodybuilders, Peters advice on gaining and losing weight will seem very familiar. To calculate your basic caloric needs, she recommended multiplying your bodyweight by to find the magic number.
If you needed to lose weight eat calories less and to gain weight eat calories more. Fun facts, aside, Peters was undoubtedly hugely influential in popularising calorie counting for the general public. A trend that began in the late s and continues to this very day. Already a subscriber? Sign in. Thanks for reading Scientific American. Create your free account or Sign in to continue. See Subscription Options. Discover World-Changing Science. Get smart. Sign up for our email newsletter.
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