Your scores for Level 2-PE will be available within eight to 10 weeks. The mean score for Level 2 is approximately All test questions count equally toward your final score, except the pretest questions you take at the very beginning of the exam.
Next select the examination level and testing cycle of the exam before pressing the Convert button. Exam Prep Demonstrate your clinical knowledge This two-part exam emphasizes the medical concepts and principles necessary for making appropriate medical diagnoses.
If you would like a refund prior to when we can cancel your exam, please complete the voucher form and we will process it on a first come-first served basis. See FAQ 8. With all of this in mind, we will consider any alternate pathways carefully to ensure any changes to the program do not impact your progression through to residency and licensure, provided you can demonstrate essential competencies. We want to be sensitive to these and be sure any changes to the program do not become obstacles to your progression through to residency and licensure.
More information will be provided within the coming weeks. If you are in the Class of or , you are safe to cancel. See also FAQ 8 for how to do this. Portal has been updated and you will currently not be able to cancel from Portal. Please keep an eye on our website for developments on what your alternative pathway will look like.
NBOME recommends that residents take Level 3 after completion of at least 6 months of residency training. In recent years most residents have been taking Level 3 later in their first year of residency or in year two, so you have time to plan that out.
If you are in the Class of , note that we are cancelling all scheduled Level—PE examinations. The Special Commission will be addressing this issue and by April 30 we will provide more information on what your options will be to demonstrate your fundamental competencies moving forward. It contains test questions related to diverse clinical and patient presentations and seven defined competency domains for osteopathic medical practice. Test questions are single-best-answer multiple-choice format with some novel test items involving audio-visual components designed to assess an expanded physician competency subset.
Examples of test item types expected to be encountered in Level 2-CE can be found under Practice Exams. Passing COMLEX-USA Level 2-CE indicates that the candidate has demonstrated competence in the clinical sciences and osteopathic principles and related physician competency domains for osteopathic medical care of patients as required to enter supervised patient care settings and to continue lifelong learning.