Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout: New Vegas Store Page. Global Achievements. Lohengrin View Profile View Posts. Which brain should I give him? You will have to travel to Cottonwood Cove. This is the only way of reaching The Fort.
Though only a temporary companion due to her location limitation, Roxie is the only companion in Old World Blues add-on. After defeating Lupa in an arena battle, Antony will allow the Courier to take her brain. I wish you both luck. Take care of my Rex now, y'hear? I was told to come to you. Bio med gel can only preserve a living brain for so long, so you'll need to find a replacement.
I haven't left Jacobstown in years, but there was one woman in Novac I remember her living with a pack of hounds. Aside from her, I know that the Fiends and Caesar's Legion fight alongside dogs. There could be viable specimens among them, if you can get to them. It breaks my heart every time I see him.
He's such a good dog. He requires brain surgery, and some sophisticated cybernetics work, too. We had to tell him there was nothing we could do. While no one here has that kind of expertise, I do know of one man who might fit the bill.
Henry who reportedly specializes in this sort of procedure. He'd probably be your best bet. Last I heard, he was living up in Jacobstown, far to the northwest. Major characters in Fallout: New Vegas. Major factions.
Companions in Fallout: New Vegas. RDF feed. Has platform. Universal Conquest Wiki. Cleanup Issue: ref split To meet Nukapedia ' s quality standards, this article or section may require cleanup. This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed. Status expires when Hardcore mode begins. This character is a permanent companion. They grant the Search and Mark perk. Faster attacking speed? Does he evade faster? Flee from friendly grenades faster?
Charge towards enemies faster? How good is the attack boost? Everything counts I suppose, and I could use both Lily and Rex to just go all-out offense you might as well since companions can no longer die unless you're in hardcore. User Info: omaximov.
Can you change Rex's brain? And does it have any other effect other than the stat change for him? Steam - omaximov 3DS FC: I don't know. I think the transplant might be a one time thing which is why I really wanna weigh things out first. More topics from this board Where do you find the key for the 2nd floor of the broadcast building at Black Mountain?