Is it possible to acquire perfect pitch

Any further comments to discuss the premise question will be deleted and should go into the chat instead. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Tim Tim k 14 14 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Comments are not for extended discussion; Please discuss in chat. Brian Towers Brian Towers 4, 3 3 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. Polydynamical 1, 7 7 silver badges 32 32 bronze badges. There is a lot of fuzz over this subject, but here is my 2 cents: Born with or learned?

Analogy with sight and color Related to you comment to ttw, it is funny that you bring the subject of naming colors, as it is somewhat similar. Training to recognize pitches That said, you can work on your memorization of pitches. Community Bot 1. The second successful method is to buy a chip and implant it in your brain. You have to find out which way is the most successful individually for your - if there is one.

I have sort of learned perfect pitch. But only sort of. To learn the skill: Learn an especially tactile instrument such as violin or clarinet not piano--all of the keys feel the same to me Stay in practice!!! Develop relative pitch--either through American solfege or whatever other method you choose.

General Nuisance General Nuisance 3, 1 1 gold badge 17 17 silver badges 42 42 bronze badges. I could understand the concept with fixed do , but how can it work with movable do? But the idea of actual perfect pitch is being able to do this without requiring a reference pitch, which is why having an enduring reference pitch can create the illusion of perfect pitch. Fixed do is always C. Whatever key the piece is in, any C in it is called do. Your idea of a reference pitch somehow negates the idea of AP.

If one has a reference point, can't see how solfege can help, because the answer's already there! And an 'enduring pitch' - that could be any note in any key, and thus any name in the solfege. At least with fixed do, it's concrete. Tim What do you mean by AP?

Tim Ah, thank you. If you read my comment again, I'm pretty sure we're more agreed than you think. Having read your answer, I think what I refer to in my answer is basically what describe as Specific Pitch Recognition, coupled with solid relative pitch ear training. Relative-do is just relative pitch--I even suggest that what I describe could be achieved with atonal interval training as well.

It's just how I learned it. Also, I have several semi-permanent references basically all of first position on a violin , which further assists. Show 1 more comment. A bell-tower with bells of a consistent pitch?! Never experienced that! However, just like the repetition of practising, it's a good way. I work with a lot of guitarists, and every one uses an electronic tuner.

Eventually, as in lack of practice , I believe none of them will be able to get even close to in tune without such an aid in the future. Happily I rarley use one, and often re-string a guitar to pretty darned close, by ear. Tallima Tallima 1 1 bronze badge. Keep in mind that all brains are plastic--it is a trait that diminishes with age, but it never goes away.

I had never heard of a drug that rejuvenates plasticity--perhaps we have found the holy grail? XD — General Nuisance. I haven't watched the videos--at what age does Beato define "adult"? My experience is that I started developing absolute pitch in Grade 8 at age Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile.

Version labels for answers. Previous studies have not offered a strong test of the effect of training because of issues like small sample size and insufficient training. In three experiments, adults learned to name pitches in a computerized, gamified and personalized training protocol for 12 to 40 hours, with the number of pitches gradually increased from three to twelve. Across the three experiments, the training covered different octaves, timbre, and training environment inside or outside laboratory.

Heald and College undergraduate Rachelle Koch. The new study shows that people without absolute pitch have the ability to learn notes quickly as well. A study from Harvard University researchers reported that a drug commonly used to treat epilepsy could effectively reopen a critical period of learning ability, allowing a person to learn skills like absolute pitch.

The current UChicago study does not use medications to train the brain to learn absolute pitch skills to a comparable degree. The study was conducted in two experiments. Seventeen UChicago students participated in the first experiment. None had absolute pitch, and all had variable amounts of music experience. The student participants listened to notes sampled from real musical instruments through studio headphones. They heard a brief note, which was then masked by white noise.

The participants were then asked to try to recreate the originally heard target note. Another part of the experiment involved testing participants after they heard an isolated piano note, and then they were asked to identify it by its musical note name e.

For the training portion of the experiment, participants listened to and classified piano notes—in three, note blocks—and then received immediate feedback on whether they had selected the correct label for the note. They then heard the note again. Participants showed significant improvements in note identification after the training. The researchers were able to retest some of the study participants a few months after the training session.


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