In addition to his career with the Beastie Boys, Yauch was heavily involved in the movement to free Tibet. In , he launched the film production company Oscilloscope Laboratories. Newswire Powered by. Close the menu.
Rolling Stone. Log In. To help keep your account secure, please log-in again. Yauch revealed in that he had a cancerous tumor in a salivary gland.
As a result, the band canceled its scheduled concerts and delayed the release of an album. Watch Yauch announce he'd been diagnosed with cancer. Yauch, a self-taught bassist and vocalist, underwent surgery to treat the tumor that year. The Chart: Salivary gland cancer rare with few known risk factors.
More Videos The group came together for the first time to play at Yauch's 17th birthday party, its publicist said. Yauch was the oldest of the Beastie Boys, an only child who grew up in Brooklyn Heights, according to Current Biography magazine. The Beastie Boys' success in hip-hop was notable at a time when the music form was dominated by African-American performers. At the time of his diagnosis, Yauch said the cancer was localized and hadn't affected his voice.
According to the American Cancer Society, the type of salivary cancer Yauch suffered from was very rare, with just two adults in , diagnosed with it every year. Most are 55 or older and doctors aren't sure what causes it, though traditional factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption are not thought to raise the risk. The parotid gland is just in front of the ears and surgery to remove the cancerous cells is tricky because the facial nerve goes through the parotid, according to the Cancer Society.
While surgery and radiation treatments are most often used, targeted drugs have not yet been developed for this rare disease. Manolidis said tumors in the parotid tend to crawl long on nerves and travel within the body, which makes them hard to treat surgically or with radiation.