What is the difference between mentha arvensis and mentha piperita

However, you can use mentha arvensis for a variety of symptoms including nausea and muscle pain relief. Peppermint Supreme can be used in a multitude of ways similarly to mentha arvensis- here's a video with some of the benefits on our Youtube! The main difference between our Peppermint Supreme and Japanese is that our Supreme contains the organic compound, menthofuran.

This compound in particular creates a sweeter scent in our peppermint oils, but it is stronger in the Supreme essential oil. Terpeneless essential oil is an oil that has been triple distilled to the point where most or all of the terpenes have been removed from the oil. Since then, some progress has been made, although studies of the insecticidal potential of MPEO and MAEO are still mostly performed in the laboratory, as summarized in Table 3.

There are three basic techniques used for the in vitro assessment of the insecticidal activity of essential oils. The first is a contact toxicity assay, in which insects are exposed to direct contact with the EO. The second is a fumigant assay, in which insects are exposed to the vapors of EOs, but without direct contact with them. The third is an acute toxicity assay, in which the EOs are mixed with the food for insects, i.

The experiments are usually performed in Petri dishes, vials, or jars of different volumes, depending on the species of insect and the developmental stage. There are usually a few different doses of the same EO applied in one experiment, and the assessments are performed after different periods of time from 6 h up to 72 h after the application of the EO. In the research papers discussed in this review, as for the fungicidal bioassays, there were significant discrepancies in the experimental designs, i.

Also, the EOs were applied in a variety of forms, either as pure oils, EOs dissolved in organic solvents, e. All of the factors mentioned above, as well as the differences in the chemical composition of the EOs, meant that the results of individual experiments are not comparable.

MPEO, tested as a volatile in laboratory conditions a Petri dish , displayed strong repellency and toxic effects against cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus F. As for the fumigant knockdown effect of EOs against adults of P. Another approach against P. The authors exposed the first larvae stage of P. The authors concluded that the use of MPEO, with a short period of toxicity, causes nanofibers to be considered as a new formulation of pesticides in storage [ 99 ].

They returned contrasting results, clearly pointing to a significant effect of chemical composition, concentration of MPEO, and duration of action, for a final insecticidal outcome. In addition, these authors observed that binary mixtures of peppermint oil and lemon oil ratio produced an equivalent effect to MPEO alone [ ].

Rajkumar et al. The toxicity of the MPEO, tested in this experiment, in comparison with its main compounds, namely menthone and menthol, was comparable each time [ ]. At the same time, the fumigant toxicity and repellence activity of MPEO turned to be, respectively, about four and five times less toxic than hyssop Hyssopus officinalis L. EO [ ]. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity, combined with an oxidative imbalance, is given as a potential mode of action of MPEO on S.

The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity, accompanied by oxidative imbalance, was also proposed as a mechanism of action of sublethal LC 50 doses of MPEO and MAEO against Tribolium castaneum , a pest of stored grains [ , ]. MPEO showed a satisfactory level of control of melon aphids Aphis gossypii Glover , in a Petri dish experiment, when used alone as vapors or combined with the application of the pathogenic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium Zare and Gams [ ].

Aphid mortality increased when essential oils of MP were combined with L. At the same time, the mycelial growth inhibition of L. MPEO at a dose of 0. MPEO was effective at killing third-instar nymphs and adults of mealybugs Planococcus ficus feeding on grapevine Vitis vinifera L. The reference product was paraffin oil. The sensitivity of spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii Matsumura to several EOs, including MPEO, in fumigant and contact toxicity assays, was tested by Park et al.

Mortality by fumigation with MPEO at 5. Menthone and menthol were identified as the major components of M. MPEO was tested, along with the other six EOs, in a set of laboratory bioassays against Plutella xylostella , a pest of economic importance for Cruciferae [ ]. The repellence of the larvae at different concentrations of MPEO was MPEO also caused inhibition of growth of third-instar larvae by The study was performed in the laboratory using different types of insecticidal activity: acute and repellent.

MAEO showed low toxic activity against adults of M. The most active were the EOs of Carum carvi L. That was much lower compared to the most active EOs of C. Khater [ ] studied the effect of water emulsions containing different concentrations of MPEO or three oils pumpkin, lupine, and garlic against larval stages of Cephalopina titillator, the parasite responsible for nasopharyngeal myiasis in camels.

The positive control group was treated with ivermectin and the negative control was treated with distilled water with a few drops of Tween The author applied in vitro larval immersion dipping tests.

All the larvae of the parasite died after 24 h from the application of a 7. The most effective against the insects, however, was ivermectin 0. Formation of pupae had been stopped after treatment of larvae with 7. MPEO was also the cause of several morphological abnormalities in the larvae and pupae of C. One of the few in situ studies with mint oils was the study by Lachance and Grange [ ].

They reported the repellent action of eight EOs basil, geranium, balsam fir, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, pine, and tea tree applied singly with sunflower oil or ethyl alcohol, as carriers, against horn flies Haematobia irritans on pastured dairy cows and heifers.

Geranium, lemongrass, and peppermint EOs were effective for a longer duration. Essential oils mixed with ethyl alcohol demonstrated less repellence than when mixed with the carrier oil. The authors concluded that the EOs could be formulated for use as fly repellents in livestock production [ ]. MPEO displayed a good acaricidal effect in the laboratory experiment against a store-food mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae.

The mite species was tested in the laboratory bioassays against the MPEO and menthol isomers, in comparison to synthetic acaricide benzyl benzoate [ ]. The relative toxicities, calculated as in previous studies, were 4. Those values were about four times more effective against T.

The same. The allelopathic potential of Mentha piperita has been thoroughly examined, especially for the antigerminative effects of its water extracts against different weeds and crops [ , , ].

Also, MPEO displays significant antigerminative potential, as reflected in a few laboratory experiments. However, the final results vary depending on the dose of MPEO, but also on its chemical composition, the conditions of the experiment, and the tested species Table 4.

In another laboratory experiment, MPEO caused a total inhibition of germination of Lolium multiflorum at a dose of 0. The most effective in this study, causing a total inhibition of seed germination even at the lowest dose, was Satureja montana L.

Interestingly, in another two experiments, the same species, Portulaca oleracea , was also subjected to MPEO, and the authors were able to reach a complete inhibition of its germination. However, the inhibiting doses of MPEO for this species were fold different: 1. These doses also inhibited the germination of other species in both experiments: Convolvulus arvensis and radish [ ], and Amaranthus retroflexus and Vicia sativa [ ]. Smaller doses of MPEO, from 0. MPEO not only inhibits seed germination, but also slows down the germination time, i.

Moreover, MPEO significantly reduces the lengths of the coleoptile and radicle in germinating weeds, but also in crop seedlings [ , , ]. All of those effects make MPEO a prospective future soil-applied product, and its phytotoxic potential is also being studied in the pot experiments, using different formulations. For example, in a greenhouse pot experiment MPEO was sprayed as an oil-in-water emulsion on a surface of a sterilized loamy soil, at a volume of 5 mL per 78 cm 2.

However, in this study the most effective against germination of the tested weeds was cinnamon EO [ ]. Results on the herbicidal activity of MAEO are much scarcer. In the pot experiment, four-week-old plants of Anagallis arvensis , Cyperus rotundus , and Cynodon dactyalon were sprayed a few times at day intervals with oil-in-water emulsions containing different concentrations of MAEO with 0.

The emulsions were effective against A. In the same experiment, the authors also proved the antimicrobial effects of MAEO against soil microbes.

Essential oils are mixtures of nonpolar volatile compounds; hydrophobic in nature, EOs do not dissolve in water and are unstable in the presence of light and oxygen. These features are major limitations on the broad application of essential oils in agriculture. The others include intensive flavor and high prices. Fortunately, these restrictions are balanced by the unquestionable advantages of EOs, i.

What is more, these limitations can be overcome by using different techniques for formulating the EOs. Synergistic effects resulting from combinations of EOs instead of a single EO are of great significance, especially in food preservation. Essential oils can affect the sensory appeal of odor and flavor of products positively or negatively. It is important that preservative addition should not impair the quality of the product.

Mixtures of EOs are more likely to be accepted by consumers than pure EO. Among the methods of improvement of EOs, efficacy encapsulation in different matrices seems to be the most novel. Maes et al. Encapsulation protects EOs from evaporation and chemical degradation, but also enables their controlled release. Both aspects are useful in agriculture. Additionally, menthol was encapsulated in cyclodextrin [ ].

It was shown that encapsulation was effective for retaining of PMEO and its sustaining release [ , , ]. The inclusion of menthol in cyclodextrin enhanced the water solubility and thermal stability of menthol [ ].

What is more, it was proven that encapsulation enhanced the antimicrobial activity of EOs [ ]. Although the possibility of encapsulation of mint oils has been researched, to date there are scarce data on using encapsulated menthol mint oils in crop protection.

The use of encapsulated MPEO as an herbicide was mentioned in another study [ ]. What is more, encapsulated oil preserved tomato fruits at ppm during a one-month storage and delayed the decay process [ ].

In summary, menthol mints can replace synthetic pesticides in controlling specific groups of pests, such as select species of phytopathogenic microorganisms, mites, or weeds. The varied sensitivity of various pests and crop species creates an opportunity for the selective action of these natural compounds, which is their important advantage. Although a lot of in vitro research conducted in the laboratory is available, especially on antimicrobial activity, the limitation is the narrow scope of the research performed in in situ conditions as well as a lack of knowledge on the modes of action of the menthol mint EOs, especially for insect pests and weeds.

Agnieszka Synowiec would like to acknowledge the LeStudium Institute for Advanced Studies, where the idea for this manuscript arose. Conceptualization, D. K and A. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Journal List Molecules v. Published online Dec Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Received Dec 1; Accepted Dec This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

Keywords: agriculture, botanical pesticides, chemical composition. Introduction The genus mint Mentha belongs to the Lamiaceae family and includes 42 species, 15 hybrids, and hundreds of subspecies, varieties, and cultivars [ 1 ], which potentially crossbreed when in proximity.

Content and Chemical Composition of Peppermint Oil and Cornmint Oil Essential oils are multicomponent mixtures of secondary plant volatiles produced by steam- or hydrodistillation of different plant parts, with the exception of citrus peel oils, which are produced by expression.

Open in a separate window. Figure 1. Structures of the main components of menthol mint essential oils. Antifungal and Antibacterial Activity of Peppermint Oil and Cornmint Oil against Phytopathogens The wide spectrum of therapeutic properties of peppermint oil includes antibacterial and antifungal activities. Table 1 In vitro antifungal and antibacterial activity of peppermint oil and cornmint oil against phytopathogens. Alternaria alternata Alternaria solani Aspergillus flavus Aspergillus niger Fusarium solani Rhizopus solani Rhizopus spp.

Penicillium digitatum 1. Sclerotium rolfsii 0. Monilia sp. Penicillium spp. Phythium spp. Peppermint Oil and Cornmint Oil for Postharvest Decay Control Fruit and vegetables are important components of the human diet and are mostly marketed as fresh.

Table 2 In situ antifungal and antibacterial activity of peppermint and cornmint oil against phytopathogens. Rhizopus spp. MPEO menthol Penicillium oxalicum Mucor spp. Table 3 Insecticidal and acaricidal action of peppermint oil and cornmint oil. MPEO menthone Against Storage Insects MPEO, tested as a volatile in laboratory conditions a Petri dish , displayed strong repellency and toxic effects against cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus F.

Against Herbivory Insects MPEO showed a satisfactory level of control of melon aphids Aphis gossypii Glover , in a Petri dish experiment, when used alone as vapors or combined with the application of the pathogenic fungus Lecanicillium muscarium Zare and Gams [ ]. Against Livestock Insects Khater [ ] studied the effect of water emulsions containing different concentrations of MPEO or three oils pumpkin, lupine, and garlic against larval stages of Cephalopina titillator, the parasite responsible for nasopharyngeal myiasis in camels.

Acaricidal Effects MPEO displayed a good acaricidal effect in the laboratory experiment against a store-food mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae. Peppermint and Cornmint EOs as Candidates for Botanical Herbicides The allelopathic potential of Mentha piperita has been thoroughly examined, especially for the antigerminative effects of its water extracts against different weeds and crops [ , , ]. Formulations of Menthol Mint Essential Oils in Agriculture—Limitations and Perspectives Essential oils are mixtures of nonpolar volatile compounds; hydrophobic in nature, EOs do not dissolve in water and are unstable in the presence of light and oxygen.

Acknowledgments Agnieszka Synowiec would like to acknowledge the LeStudium Institute for Advanced Studies, where the idea for this manuscript arose. Author Contributions Conceptualization, D.

Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. Salehi B. Tiwari P. Recent advances and challenges in trichome research and essential oil biosynthesis in Mentha arvensis L. Pushpangadan P. Handbook of Herbs and Spices. Elsevier; Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Peppermint; pp. Bacon F. Maffei M. Planta Medica.

Grzeszczuk M. Estimation of biological value of some species of mint Mentha L. Herba Polonica. Machiani M. Evaluation of competition, essential oil quality and quantity of peppermint intercropped with soybean.

Evaluation of yield, essential oil content and compositions of peppermint Mentha piperita L. Ulbrich A. Mentha x piperita volatiles promote Brassica oleracea-A pilot study for sustainable vegetable production. Karkanis A. Allelopathic Activity of Spearmint Mentha spicata L. Karamaouna F. Insect Sci. Ram M. Akram M.

Mentha arvensis Linn: A review article. Plants Res. Singh M. Cowpea Vigna unguiculata L. Crops Prod. Chand S. Agronomy and uses of menthol mint Mentha arvensis —Indian perspective. Costa A. Growth and production of volatiles in fertilized mint. Acta Hortic. Effect of growing season upon microbial status of peppermint Mentha x piperita L. Acta Fytotech.

Mousavinik S. Oil Bear. Bajeli J. Organic manures a convincing source for quality production of Japanese mint Mentha arvensis L. Verma R. Isman M. Benelli G. Commentary: making green pesticides greener? The potential of plant products for nanosynthesis and pest control. Cluster Sci. Isenring R. Pesticides and the loss of biodiversity. Maino J. No longer a west-side story — pesticide resistance discovered in the eastern range of a major Australian crop pest, Halotydeus destructor Acari: Penthaleidae Crop.

Pasture Sci. Balakrishnan A. Therapeutic uses of peppermint—a review. Varshney S. Indian mint oils. European Pharmacopoeia 5. Strasbourg Council of Europe. Lawrence B. Progress in essential oils. Telci I. The effect of ecological conditions on yield and quality traits of selected peppermint Mentha piperita L.

Oroian C. Biomass Yield and Oil Content. Horti Agrobot. Santoro M. Shahabivand S. Plant biostimulants Funneliformis mosseae and humic substances rather than chemical fertilizer improved biochemical responses in peppermint. Plant Physiol. Shaikh M. Pandey A. Sarkic A. Kalemba D. Antibacterial and antifungal properties of essential oils.

Van de Vel E. A review on influencing factors on the minimum inhibitory concentration of essential oils. Food Sci. Hussain A. Seasonal variation in content, chemical composition and antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of essential oils from four Mentha species. Food Agric. Kumar R. Evaluation of some essential oils as botanical fungitoxicants for the protection of stored food commodities from fungal infestation.

Reddy D. Safety in Use. We supply essential oils as cosmetic ingredients and as such we are not obliged to label them with warnings about their topical or theraputic uses etc..

Should you be purchasing essential oils from us for any purpose other than as a cosmetic ingredient please refer to our Essential Oil Reference Guide for useful information. You may want to re-label your products according to the use they are to be put to. Already have an account with us?

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