What is the difference between a hackle and a plume

To separate, as the coarse part of flax or hemp from the fine, by drawing it through the teeth of a hackle or hatchel. To tear asunder; to break in pieces. Example Sentences: 1 Those differences can be summarized as follows: 1 the occurrence of pronounced, highly curved hackle marks, which could in many instances be mistaken for conchoidal marks; 2 the appearance of the beveled edges bordering the cratering on the side opposite origin of force; and 3 a more apparent tendency toward an inverse relationship of muzzle velocity and energy to radial fracture length and degree of curving along crater boundaries.

Plume Definition: v. A feather; esp. An ornamental tuft of feathers. A feather, or group of feathers, worn as an ornament; a waving ornament of hair, or other material resembling feathers.

A token of honor or prowess; that on which one prides himself; a prize or reward. A large and flexible panicle of inflorescence resembling a feather, such as is seen in certain large ornamental grasses.

To pick and adjust the plumes or feathers of; to dress or prink. To strip of feathers; to pluck; to strip; to pillage; also, to peel.

By extension because the hackles of a rooster are lifted when it is angry , the hair on the nape of the neck in dogs and other animals; also used figuratively for humans. To separate, as the coarse part of flax or hemp from the fine, by drawing it through the teeth of a hackle or hatchel.

Hackle as a verb archaic, transitive :. The furry tail of certain dog breeds e. Samoyed, Malteagle that stands erect or curls over their backs. An area over which or a space into which a dispersed substance has spread or fanned out; a cloud. A large and flexible panicle of inflorescence resembling a feather, such as is seen in certain large ornamental grasses. The difference between Hackle and Plume When used as nouns , hackle means an instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp, whereas plume means a feather of a bird, especially a large or showy one.

Hackle as a noun : An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp.


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