Please see below for an email alert from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Many of you have asked for information about the Covid vaccines in order to educate your family and friends. We have compiled some key talking points below, and ask that you share them as widely as you can.
If every recipient of this email could share it…. Among factors influencing Transpartisan action, the state of debate is important but often ignored. He thoroughly demonstrates how distortions and deceptions have been piled one on top of another, year after year, producing a global industry that teeters…. Rodale discovered the virtuous circle of organic and sustainable agriculture and the dynamic relationship between…. Citizens for Health regrets the loss of a dear friend and champion of the health freedom movement, Jim Duke.
According to a press release announcing this from Dr. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy HBOT might be the best kept secret in mainstream medicine. Alternative practitioners have been using it for a very long time to treat Lyme disease, brain injuries and chronic fatigue syndrome, among many…. To get the full story, click here.
Joseph M. According to his obituary, Bassett died of complications of a bladder and kidney infection. He was a U. Army veteran who served honorably during the Korean War. Bassett and his…. Are you a budding pro? A duffer? A note on vaccinations and side effects: One of the side effects observed after COVID vaccinations has been thickening of the blood. This can lead to clots…. Action Alert! Keep up the good work! Ordinary sugar is made up of glucose and fructose linked by a bond called a glycosidic linkage.
During digestion it is broken down into its component parts in a process called hydrolysis by the enzyme sucrase. This process is not required with HFCS as the sugars already free and unbound. This seems to effect the way the body reacts to it. This means that every potentially harmful molecule of fructose is paired with a molecule of glucose.
For some reason this seems to somewhat negate the harmful effects of fructose. Any amount of fructose in this form is too much. Fructose consumption does not cause an insulin response, as other types of sugars would. This may have a profound effect on appetite and may lead to overeating. Tests carried out by Princeton researchers on rodents showed a very significant difference between the addition of sugar or hfcs in the diet.
The rats fed the hfcs seemed to develop an insatiable appetite and grew fat on their regular food. This did not happen with ordinary sugar. The super size portions now popular at the fast food chains could be a direct result of increased appetite caused by the consumption of HFCS. Production: It is produced from corn starch that has undergone an enzymatic process.
Sold As: Not sold on it's own, it is added to products such as soft drinks and biscuits. Fructose , or fruit sugar , is a simple ketonic monosaccharide found in many plants, where it is often bonded to glucose to form the disaccharide sucrose. It is one of the three dietary monosaccharides, along with glucose and galactose , that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream during digestion. The fructose powder is a processed sweetener derived from corn that is almost entirely fructose.
It is used as a sweetener in the likes of beverages and yogurts, where it substitutes for high-fructose corn syrup HFCS and table sugar. Fructose is white crystallized powder,sweet taste,tasting twice as sweet ae sucrose,and tastes particularly sweet when cold or in solution,it is sweetest glucide. Other applications are:Bread and cakes,Creams,Marmalade,Chocolate,soft drinks,etc. Low calorie Crystalline fructose has low calorie which will not lead to elevate blood glucose levels, stimulate insulin secretion and could inhibite excessive storage of body fat.
Hard crystalline Once the crystalline fructose is dissolved in the food,it will not easy to crystallize. Sweetness The sweetness of Crystalline fructose is 1. Flavor enhancer The flavour of crystalline fructose releases before the glucose and sucrose. And it will mask the fragrance of fruit. Reduce the freezing point The crystalline fructose has the ability of reducing the freezing point. Therefore,it is widely used in frozen food to enchance the taste.
View larger image. HFCS high fructose corn syrup sweetener used in soft drinks and foods Hot sale products. Hot sale in.