Bethke, J. Vander Mey, and I. Biology and Control of the Eye Gnat Liohippelates collusor. County Contract No. Burgess, R. Mulla, M. The breeding niches of Hippelates gnats. Attractancy of putrefied animal and plant proteins to the eye gnat Hippelates collusor Diptera: Chloropidae. Flight range, dispersal patterns and population density of the eye gnats, Hippelates collusor. All rights reserved. For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page.
Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual solutions to specific pest problems. See our Home page , or in the U. Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. Eye gnat adult. Don't rub your eye, as you may lodge the insect further and irritate your eye.
See a doctor if you cannot remove the insect on your own or with help. Cover your eye with a paper cup or eye shield until your appointment. Health Eye Disorders Eye Health. Ivy Morris. Ivy Morris specializes in health, fitness, beauty, fashion and music. Your email address will only be used to answer your question unless you are an Academy member or are subscribed to Academy newsletters. About Foundation Museum of the Eye. A bug flew into my eye.
How can I make the irritation go away? OCT 10, Question: A bug flew directly into my eye and I'm not sure that all of it came out. Answer: Any time there is persistent irritation, redness, or a change in vision you should seek out an ophthalmologist for a thorough eye exam.
Ask an Ophthalmologist. They are Liohippelates pusio and Liohippelates bishoppi. But of course you need a microscope to look at either one in the first place, let alone tell them apart. Nonetheless, they are flies — among the smallest flies in Florida — and are thus members of the Diptera order of insects, the true flies. They tend to be common in areas with sandy soil.
And try getting away from sandy soil in Florida.