Next, list all the conditions that will play into your program. Using the light switch example, one condition would be that when you flip the switch upward, the light comes on.
Then, when you flip it downward, the light turns off. Create a flowchart referencing these conditions for visual representation. Your last step is to download the program to your PLC. When the transfer is done, you can disconnect your programming device. As industrial control systems continue to advance in terms of sophistication and function, PLCs will become even more multi-faceted and diverse. Want more information on industrial controls? Looking for top-of-the-line components that can help you build a future-focused system that delivers?
We offer a wide range of control products in our online shop. From motor controls to terminal blocks, our inventory is diverse and designed to meet any need. Disclaimer: The content provided is intended solely for general information purposes and is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering engineering or other professional advice or services.
The practice of engineering is driven by site-specific circumstances unique to each project. Consequently, any use of this information should be done only in consultation with a qualified and licensed professional who can take into account all relevant factors and desired outcomes.
The information was posted with reasonable care and attention. However, it is possible that some information is incomplete, incorrect, or inapplicable to particular circumstances or conditions. We do not accept liability for direct or indirect losses resulting from using, relying or acting upon information in this blog post.
Stay Connected - Subscribe to our Newsletter. What is a PLC? What gives it this power? How Does It Work? Our Products. Cam Switches. Control Stations. Definite Purpose Contactors. Disconnect Switches. DOL Starters. Electronic Timing Relays. General Purpose Relays. Legend Plates.
Miniature Circuit Breakers. Motor Control. Overload Relays. Terminal Blocks — High Density. Terminal Blocks — IEC. Tower Lights. Wiring Cable Duct. About c3. Customer First.
Request Catalog. Request Free Samples. My Account. What is a PLC? These controllers eliminated the need for rewiring and adding additional hardware for each new configuration of logic. The new system drastically increased the functionality of the controls while reducing the cabinet space that housed the logic.
Perform Housekeeping activities such as Communications, Internal Diagnostics, etc. Program Scan Executes the user created program logic 3. Housekeeping This step includes communications with programming terminals, internal diagnostics, etc These steps are continually processed in a loop. The company's products are listed below for your reference:. Input Scan. Detects the state of all input devices that are connected to the PLC. Energizes or de-energize all output devices that are connected to the PLC.
PLCs require programming before they can function and perform their given tasks. These programs are usually written in a programming device or software. The program is then downloaded into the memory or RAM of the programmable logic controller. Based on the written program the CPU can read the information provided by the inputs and instruct the PLC to execute the desired outputs. There are many programming languages available to configure your PLC system. Ladder logic is the most popular programming language for PLCs.
It is a highly used and recognized programming language in many manufacturing industries. Because of its visual layout it is easy to read and program. Ladder logic is a program written in symbols that translate opening and closing relays, timers, shift registers, counters, and mathematical operations. The programmable logic controller will process the given information inputs , execute the instruction from the program, and deliver the results outputs based on the provided information and written logic.
PLCs operate in a repeating loop once the user determines the inputs and outputs. Usually, you can directly connect these controllers to the device or application in question. Modular PLCs, also known as rack-mounted, give you more flexibility.
You can basically go wild here adding as many modules as the PLC allows. You could even insert an analog to digital signal converter. Now that you understand the basic components of a PLC and the types available, you may wonder how to narrow down your choices. Below are 6 questions to ask yourself when purchasing a programmable logic controller: 1.
Are you implementing this PLC into a new or existing system? What type of environment will the PLC reside in? How will your PLC communicate with other networks, systems, or field devices? PLCs are everywhere and they exist in places where we might have never thought, like traffic signals. In the future, PLCs will have to become more robust to withstand extreme climate changes, operate remotely without needing someone to be on-site, and communicate with sensors through the Industrial Internet of Things IIoT to collect and analyze data needed to make better choices.