Oh yeah and milk helped out my quezzy stomach A TON when i got home. Don't think i can ever smell fruit punch noXplode again without puking, just the thought makes me gag.. Oct 9 AM 0 0. That's what I said about vodka and whiskey and rum and tequila but they still go down fine.
Just wake up tomorrow, have a nice glass of noXplode and you'll be chilling. Nano Vapor is where it's at. NO-xplode is a great supplement but i would recommend not to pace yourself when you do it. Oct 9 PM 0 0. Lol you probably were havin a panic attack, my friend had one because he thought he inhaled gas vapors and he thought he was dying, but he was fine.
This NO-Xplode stuff sounds like meth I figured u would be throwing up form fuckin 10 scoops, and if ur gunna take it, make sure u take a break for like 3 weeks, cycle it, or else it doesnt work as good if u keep taking it.
Ur gunna hit a plateau and once that happens get off the supplement for a while, and dont take anything else. The problem was that i had no knowledge about the stuff at all when i took it last night, i just thought it was like a protein shake. I researched it today and I guess its similar to creatine, and is suppose to be taken on an empty stomach to maximise energy and focus You should be dead I've tried this stuff and one scoop got me all tweaked, two would be max for me All times are Eastern Similar Threads how much difference steroid can make at same weight?
Replies: 18 Last Post: , PM. Replies: 14 Last Post: , PM. Xplode 3 scoops can make any difference? By Jordan May in forum Supplements. Replies: 6 Last Post: , PM. Creatine scoops By rizzitop in forum Supplements.
Replies: 8 Last Post: , PM. By [email protected] in forum Supplements. Replies: 12 Last Post: , AM. Contact Us Evolutionary. There is no easy way out. I drink way to many sodas and thus have a high tolerance to caffeine. No-Xplode does work but I need to take two heaping scoops and a diet coke to feel its affects. That's a lot of NO-Xplode!
I would really lay off the soda as much as possible. Not just for the reason that it's messing with your energy, but it's awful for you. If that isn't possible, try drinking the NO-Xplode instead of a soda or the sodas as far away in the day from the NOX as possible. I'm living it, I'm doing it.