By learning a few common lichen species, you can judge the nitrogen pollution levels in your area. Not all lichens are sensitive to air pollution - crustier lichens tend to be hardier than the hairy lichens. The golden shield lichen Xanthoria parietina can live in areas with high levels of nitrogen, especially ammonia. It's common on trees and buildings near farmland and on sea cliffs where seabird's dropping provide nitrogen.
Sulphur dioxide pollution comes from coal burning and industry. This pollutant has killed many lichens in parts of the UK in the past, but now because we burn less coal, they are beginning to return. In high concentrations, sulphur dioxide can irritate the mucus lining of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Exposure to sulphur dioxide may cause coughing and tightness in your chest.
People with asthma are more sensitive to sulphur dioxide pollution. Usnea lichens, also called old man's beard, do not grow in areas where there is sulphur dioxide pollution.
If you see one of these on your walk, it probably means that coal has not been burnt in the area for some time.
You can find out more about surveying lichens to assess air pollution as part of an earlier Open Air Laboratories OPAL citizen science project that mapped lichens in the UK. Humans have many uses for lichens, including as a source of potential antibiotic, anti-fungal and anti-cancer drugs.
Lichens also can be used in perfumes and incense and as a clothes dye. Lichens are also important for other plants and animals. Their ability to grow in some barren places, like on the surface of a rock, allows for other things to grow in the organic material that lichens leave behind when they break down.
Can studying lichens tell us how fertilizers used on tea planttaions are affecting surrounding ecosystems? Researchers at the Museum are part of a global team investigating nitrogen pollution from tea estates in Sri Lanka and in the forests of the Himalayas. Tea growers in Sri Lanka use fertilizers that contain nitrogen in the form of ammonia.
This ammonia does not stay on the tea farm, and some of it inevitably flows into the surrounding ecosystems. The nitrogen is carried into the atmosphere through winds and sits in the clouds, ready to rain on the nearby mountains and cloud forests. Gothamie is part of a team setting up permanent plots in Sri Lanka to monitor the effects of nitrogen air pollution.
They are using lichens as indicators. These plots sit high up in the mountain cloud forests, and the researchers are recording how the lichen community in these plots change over time.
Athlone, London, p Google Scholar. Cramer, Vaduz Google Scholar. National Research Council Ozone and other photochemical oxidants.
National Academy of Sciences, Washington D. Google Scholar. Department of Agriculture, Berkeley, p Google Scholar. John, New Brunswick. Heavy Metals in the Environment. Vol 2. Holopainen T Saronia 5: 15 Google Scholar. Zentralblatt Google Scholar.
Sigal LL The relationship of lichen and bryophyte research to regulatory decisions in the United States. It is important to note that the zone chart in Table 1 applies to areas where sulphur dioxide levels are increasing.
If sulphur dioxide conditions are falling, lichens rarely colonise in exactly the same sequence; lichens are slow growing and may take a year or two to recolonise bark or other substrates following a reduction in air pollution levels, and tiny recolonising specimens can be difficult to spot and identify. During the early and mid-twentieth century, air pollution levels were much greater than they are today in towns and cities of the UK. Sulphur dioxide levels were highest in the inner city areas becoming less polluted out towards the edges of the urban areas.
At such times, the lichen zone scale would often highlight zone 1 as the inner city area, moving through the zones to the cleaner air at the edge of the city. From the s onwards, sulphur dioxide levels have been falling markedly in the central and outer areas of cities, such that there may be no differentiation between levels in central and outer areas of many cities.
The fall in sulphur dioxide levels between the s and the s has led to a number of lichens recolonising in areas from which they had previously been eliminated. Desmococcus viridis , present but confined to base. Hypocenomyce scalaris, Lecanora expallens and Chaenotheca ferruginea often present. Air Pollution. Clean Air for Kids. IV, , Study Report. Lycene bioaccumulation. Appendix 2. Patterns of metal soil contamination and changes in terrestrial cryptogamic communities.
Pollut, , Pollut , , Healthy lichens are installed in several locations on the site for varying lengths of time 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, etc.
Pollut, ,3, Indic, 60, The articles in the Encyclopedia of the Environment are made available under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license, which authorizes reproduction subject to: citing the source, not making commercial use of them, sharing identical initial conditions, reproducing at each reuse or distribution the mention of this Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.
Air pollution has effects on health and the environment. The impact of pollutants on terrestrial…. Airborne particulate matter is one of the main air pollutants. Most of their health effects…. Why lichens? Lichens are organisms that are very well adapted to the study of gaseous or particulate air pollution because of various and particularly favourable anatomical and physiological characteristics See The lichens, surprising pioneering organisms ; Figure 1 : absence of cuticle, stomata and conductive vessels, presence of a mucilage-rich cortex [1] , reviviscence, photosynthetic activity all year round, slow growth.
Different strategies have been implemented: From the observation of the lichenic flora on tree trunks, it is possible to establish the level of ambient air quality bioindicator lichens ; some species can accumulate different pollutants and are used as sensors bioaccumulators lichens ; the achievement of physiological functions can be demonstrated biomarker lichens.
Bioindicator lichens 2. From estimating air pollution by SO 2 to establishing an environmental quality index Between and , Nylander noted the total disappearance of lichens in the Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris whereas about thirty species were initially present [2]. Qualitative methods Figure 3. An identical methodology has been established for ozone for which a sensitivity scale of 4 classes has been established in the Grenoble region [10] , in Switzerland and also in the USA Ohio … 3.
Bioaccumulation and biomarking Figure 7. Other types of pollution 4. Marine pollution At sea, various pollutants such as hydrocarbons and anionic surfactants spread by forming a thin film of a few micrometers on the sea surface.
Freshwater pollution Figure Soil pollution Some tolerant soil lichens can grow on soils containing metallic elements and are therefore indicative of the presence of these metals. Model systems for environmental and health risk assessment? Two examples support this proposition: Research conducted in Italy Veneto [20] has shown a close correlation between lung cancer mortality in men under 55 years of age and the lichen biodiversity index. Thus, by comparing the two maps in the Figure, we can see that the region where there is a high lichen diversity index, i.
When the index is low, so few lichens red zone , environmental quality is poor and the mortality rate from lung cancer is higher. More recently, based on a study conducted in the industrial basin of Dunkirk, researchers were able to highlight a relationship between a lichen impregnation ratio characterizing the socio-economic situation of the population and the level of contamination of lichens with metallic trace elements.
The results obtained in this way demonstrated the environmental and social inequalities in health at the scale of a territory. Messages to remember Lichens grow in all environments except the high seas, on the tissues of live animals and in highly polluted areas. Nylander, a Finnish lichenologist, from the end of the 19 th century, through observations made in Paris on the trees of the Luxembourg Garden, was the first to suggest that lichens were sensitive to air pollution.
The disappearance of lichens was found to be the result of the presence of sulphur dioxide SO 2 , emitted by coal combustion and industrial development at the time. Various methods based on lichen observation have emerged to detect the effect of air pollution and map its effects. Since the years , the decrease in SO 2 emissions has allowed the return of lichens sensitive to this pollutant.
But other pollutants persist, such as nitrogen oxides, which cause the spread of so-called nitrophilic lichen species. Lichens are capable of accumulating various pollutants such as metals, organic elements, radioelements, etc.