In a market currently focused heavily on fuel savings, a large fuel-efficient twinjet is a very attractive offering. As Boeing deliver their 1,th , they are working hard to ensure the longevity and relevance of this very popular air-frame. The next generation of s is on the drawing board and currently is known as the X. Many concepts used on the Boeing Dreamliner will be adopted in the design concept of the X, including the use of composite materials.
Boeing anticipates a 21 per cent improvement in fuel burn with a 16 per cent improvement in operating costs. A technology Boeing patented back in but no one to date has opted for, is the folding wing. The folding wingtips are designed to enable the X to use airport gates designed for current variants.
They would be locked in place for takeoff and flight. The extended wings allow better fuel economy and speed. We welcome your comments below, is there more we could be showing or are there topics you would like to see? Thank you. Actually, the initial idea for the Boeing would have been much like the DC and L; essentially, it would have been a Boeing trijet. Boeing later realized that that idea would not generate much profit for them in terms of airlines purchasing the aircraft.
It only takes a minute to sign up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. I have googled and noticed that almost every Boeing is not equipped with winglets.
Does anybody know the reasons why Boeing did not equip Bs with winglets? Are there any drawbacks to having winglets? As in anything in aviation design, the use of wingtips has both advantages and disadvantages. In the end, the decision to use or not a winglet is based on the cost-benefit analysis of the winglet to be used in that particular aircraft. All winglets incur a drag and weight penalty- the question is whether they conserve fuel more than they increase it in the first place.
Also, an equal span extension is sometimes more effective and is less risky. Another thing to add is that most of the present aircraft using winglets As and Bs were not designed with winglets to begin with. They were retrofits. Most of the new aircraft are designed with plenty of aerodynamic experience and the engineers can take a call based on the data available as to whether to have 'conventional' winglet or not See AXWB Vs B These act in the same manner as the winglets to reduce drag.
Boeing raked wingtip; image from Boeing. Each wing on the Boeing ER extended range is being extended by 6. The raked wingtips help reduce takeoff field length, increase climb performance and reduce fuel burn.
So basically, these act in the same manner as the conventional wingtips. Also, it is crucial to consider the tradeoff. B was designed when the advantages of the wingtips were well known, yet they decided to go without one anyway. From airspacemag :. Because winglets are a tradeoff: In the highly visible case of the , an airplane with exceptionally long range, the wings grew so long that folding wingtips were offered to get into tight airport gates.
Finally nobody ordered the folding wingtips when they were first offered, though that has not stopped Boeing from trying. Note that one main reason for offering folding wings is to fit into existing gates- else the wingspan would've become too great. Dave Akiyama, manager of aerodynamics engineering in Boeing product development, points out that designing winglets can be tricky-they have a tendency to flutter, for example. Span extensions are the easiest and least risky. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.
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