Who owns erdinger

Today, around 1. This is the only way to ensure quality and flavor. ERDINGER is therefore a wheat beer specialist that prefers to supply the world from its base in Erding than to let others around the world brew for it under license.

The recipe is over years old, unchanged and closely guarded — a true treasure. Applied to wheat beer this means: allowing it to slowly mature until the special yeast cultivated in the brewery has done its work in a carefully temperature-controlled environment and the wheat beer is perfect.

The brand soon established itself as the leader in Germany and has helped maintain the overall growth momentum for non-alcoholic beers. Related Post. In addition to proprietary products, Catenate Creativity also makes also use of license-free and open source products. The private brewery does not make use of traditional advertising such as TV or print. The focus on event promotion and online activities defines the success of the non-alcoholic wheat beer.

Since then, everyone whose passion is endurance sports has had the possibility to become a member of the Erdinger alcohol free team. True to the motto: "Being actively involved is more" ambitious athletes of all levels and disciplines forgather in the sports community. Whether professional, ambitious amateur or hobby athletes - the Erdinger alcohol free team connects everybody who enjoys sports. From playing a key role in the greatest sporting events in the world, to creating innovative new products and packaging: Our brightest star continues to light up great moments all over the world.

Amstel, Desperados, Sol, Tiger and Birra Moretti: five very different beer brands with very different backgrounds that continue to redefine the gold standard for beer-drinking across the world.

Our international brands have carved out a distinctive place in the hearts and minds of consumers. They are the brands that people turn to for a memorable moment, wherever they are in the world. Our diverse range of brands allows us to reach consumers who are not your typical beer-drinkers. This is especially true with our cider offering. Cider is one of the fastest-growing drink categories worldwide.


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