In the s the model was brought to life by its 10 fundamental tenants. The model was first created to treat alcoholism but can be used to treat various forms of addiction.
Alcoholism and other addictions must be treated in an environment centered on dignity and respect. In addition to this, most court systems across America rule in favor of abstinence-based treatment for addicts who find themselves in trouble with the law. Most drug courts aim to divert those with addiction from incarceration.
However, they must meet certain requirements and agree to regular drug testing. Most courts will not permit those under supervision to attend a medication-assisted drug treatment facility. They try to emphasize the use of abstinence-based recovery in order to achieve sobriety.
While drug abstinence treatment may not be your first choice, it has its many benefits and has revolutionized sobriety for good reason. Data from Scotland and Wales show that over 12, naloxone kits were given out in the past 12 months and over 56, kits have been circulated since the start of the programmes.
The latest available estimates of the number of syringes distributed are 4. Needle exchange schemes — providing sterile needles for people who i nject drugs, thereb y reducing the transmission of blood-borne diseases such as hepatitis and HIV and enabling the safe disp osal of syringes.
Drug Consumption Rooms — places where illicit drugs can be taken under the supervision of trained staff, thereby reducing the chances of overdose. There are varied opinions over the morality of harm reduction. Some people believe that it condones or promotes drug use, while people who support it say it is realistic, helps keep drug users safe and respects individual choices and freedoms.
Much of the abstinence-only addiction recovery community points out that the harm reduction method enables addicts to continue their substance use.
Perhaps the most significant criticism of harm reduction is that it does not hold much weight when dealing with illicit substances, such as heroin or cocaine. Can we recommend doing less heroin, crystal meth or cocaine as a treatment strategy? A single episode of binge drinking is less likely to be fatal than when using heroin. In , of the 38 million admitted binge drinkers in the U. In the same year, 8, individuals died from heroin overdoses.
Abstinence is defined as the complete cessation of drug or alcohol use. This strategy has long been heralded as the best and most effective way to defeat addiction.
Even dating back centuries, before addiction was treated as a medical condition, the traditional approach to break drug or alcohol dependencies was through abstinence. The most common indictment against abstinence-based addiction recovery approach is their strict adherence to the steps model, which focuses on faith-based addiction treatment.
Not all people are comfortable with the idea of praying or focusing on spirituality. Moreover, contemporary treatment models include psychological and behaviour modification tools along with medical, psychoanalytic, and psychiatric assessments for effective recovery. In an abstinence-based addiction recovery, clients undergo detox to get free from the influence of all chemicals. After that point, they start their addiction treatment, which includes individual and group therapy.
It also includes a number of treatment options designed to model a healthy lifestyle that includes the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual components of wellness. Clients are expected to completely stay away from using all mind-altering substances. The only exception would be a medical emergency where pain medications would be allowed for a short time following major surgery.
An abstinence-based addiction recovery program will attempt to replace the client using his drug of choice with another, more positive activity. Once of the basic concepts of harm reduction is that substance abuse exists in the world and that this should be accepted as fact.
Rather than condemning people who use drugs legal and illegal , a better approach is to put time and energy toward minimizing the harmful consequences of their actions. Drug use is part of a much larger, complicated issue, according to the Harm Reduction Coalition. Overdose prevention education is an important aspect of harm reduction.
While abstinence from drug use may be the goal for some people who use drugs this is an individual choice and should not be imposed, or regarded as the only option. What is Harm Reduction? Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Malaysia. Search Search Subscribe for updates Support our work. What is harm reduction? Principles of harm reduction Respecting the rights of people who use drugs Harm reduction is fundamentally grounded in principles that aim to protect human rights and improve public health.
A commitment to evidence Harm reduction policies and practices are informed by a strong body of evidence that shows interventions to be practical, feasible, effective, safe and cost-effective in diverse social, cultural and economic settings. A commitment to social justice and collaborating with networks of people who use drugs Harm reduction is rooted in a commitment to addressing discrimination and ensuring that nobody is excluded from the health and social services they may need because of their drug use, their race, their gender, their gender identity, their sexual orientation, their choice of work, or their economic status.
Goals of harm reduction Keep people alive and encourage positive change in their lives Keeping people who use drugs alive and protecting their health [2] are the most urgent priorities. Reduce the harms of drug laws and policy Harm reduction seeks to improve drug laws, policies and law enforcement practices, so that they are not detrimental to the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs and their communities.
Offer alternatives to approaches that seek to prevent or end drug use Access to high quality, evidence-based prevention, care and treatment programs, including approaches that involve cessation of drug use, are important for some people. Available in : What is Harm Reduction?