These field experiments have compared the reactions and outcomes of individuals who were randomly assigned to view an RJP to individuals in a control group who did not view the RJP.
RJPs presented orally in face-to-face meetings are more effective than other presentation methods such as written or video in reducing overall i. Video RJPs produce higher levels of applicant acceptance and higher perceptions of organizational honesty than oral or written RJPs Earnest et al.
Longer length RJPs i. The conclusion from the most recent meta-analysis is that the most effective RJP is delivered orally or in a written format and provided to new employees shortly after hire Earnest et al. Each has carefully built upon the prior reviews and added new studies published since the last review. Earnest, D. Mechanisms linking realistic job previews with turnover: A meta-analytic path analysis. Personnel Psychology, 64 , — McEvoy, G. Strategies for reducing employee turnover: A meta-analysis.
Before she can make the choice between the elevator to heaven or the one to hell, she has to try each of them for a day. Heaven turns out to be lovely but quite boring — while hell seems fun, with golf courses, a country club where she ate lobster, all her friends were there as was an infinite number of different drinks and cocktails. So when St. Peter asks her to make her choice, she opts for the elevator to hell without any hesitation. However, as soon as the doors of the elevator open, she finds herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth.
She sees her friends dressed in rags, picking up rubbish and putting it in old bags. The Devil approaches her and put his arm around her. The Devil looked at her and smiled. This example illustrates the exact opposite of the realistic job preview. The goal of the RJP is to have the expectations of the candidate match the reality of the situation. The idea is to avoid disappointment when the candidate joins the organization.
So if there is a match, this leads to a number of positive results. Of course, the realistic job preview also has some drawbacks. As we saw in the example of the HR manager arriving in hell, she would have never opted to go there in the first place if she had gotten a realistic preview. This is also what the science shows. A meta-analysis that analyzed 21 realistic job preview experiments, showed that RJPs tend to lower initial job expectations.
Also, on the human side: providing a realistic preview of the job is also likely to increase the candidate experience. Showing this video to a candidate before the assessment process begins can help to screen out candidates who are not a good fit for the particular role. In addition, the video features an actual employee who performs the job on a daily basis, someone who will tell it like it is, both the good and the bad.
To learn more about a Realistic Job Preview and how it can be implemented in your organization's hiring process, click here to contact us. Applicants weigh such information against their own preferences. For example, a fast-paced job with frequently changing conditions is seen by some applicants as desirable, while other applicants consider this an unattractive job feature.
Such insight is very important, especially in occupations where people may have limited information about the tasks and responsibilities of the job. Consistent, standardized communication of both desirable and undesirable aspects of the job to all candidates is essential to protect merit system principles.
Providing a well-designed RJP to potential new employees during the application process can reduce turnover and enhance new employee commitment. This is because two match-ups occur when a new person is hired: The employer matches its job requirements with the individual's qualifications and the individual matches his or her needs with the organizational culture and the specific job's requirements.
While the first match probably has the greatest impact on performance, the second match has the greatest effect on job satisfaction and tenure. Why should an agency consider using a RJP?
What is their purpose? As a result, the selection process is more efficient because people who will quit in the first few months or are likely to be fired are screened out, saving the agency the time and money required to refill the position. For the RJP to be successful, it must outline all aspects of the job. This information will allow applicants to determine if the job is a good match for them so they can decide if they should go forward with applying for the job.
Research has shown providing realistic job information to applicants plays an important role in the socialization process. What occurs early in the job-hiring process influences the subsequent attitudes and behaviors of new employees. A significant amount of research has been conducted over the past three decades on the impact RJPs have on job applicants' and employees' career decisions. The research can be divided into three distinct, but highly interrelated areas: Impact on Job Offer Acceptance Impact on Turnover Impact on Job Satisfaction The relationship between job offer acceptance, turnover, and job satisfaction is obvious.
All are associated with the individual's perception of how his or her needs will be met on the job.